Selecting Exterior Colors

Exterior Paint Color Tips


Exterior Paint makes a first impression, an individual statement and can enhance curb appeal and even the resale value of your home. A creative color scheme can add enjoyment and value to your property.


Look for interesting architectural details, or add some, that can sparkle with a contrasting or accent color.


Be observant — drive through various neighborhoods, established and new, to see color in action. Make note of appealing exterior paint color schemes and adaptability to your own home.


Define the entry. Use exterior paint color as a "Welcome" sign to your home.


Windows are the eyes of a home — they can add or even define the character of a home. Decorating them lends crispness to the color scheme.


Consider the exterior paint colors that cannot change like roofing shingles, brick, slate or stone. Be especially aware of highly visible steep roofs. A charcoal gray shingle may have flecks of gray-green or gray-blue that can be found on a paint color strip and incorporated into the color scheme.


Balance is important between light and deep colors, as well as warm and cool colors; consider not just the exterior paint color scheme, but all the elements that make up the surroundings.